Event 3: North South Walk
During these unprecedented times, my perception of campus has changed. As does anything with time. Places develop more meaning, life becomes more cynical and, in a way, locations become more beautiful. After all the protesting and hate crimes committed on the top of Jans steps, I noticed a change in my attitude when waking by the library looking at the grass where the encampment was located. (this is a photo I took while the encampment was there) Initially, when I wrote about walking from north to south on campus, I talked about gender stereotypes and the harsh reality I observed with more men then women on the science side of campus. My perception has changed. It does not seem to be about what gender is where anymore, it was about observing if people were safe. I mean terrible things happened at the encampment and to see people walking around smiling is a miracle in itself. It was almost hard to believe anything happened. Now the TA strike is taking over the campus. W...